Loan Savings Calculator

How much does that loan really cost?

The Loan Savings Calculator shows how credit scores impact the interest you pay on a loan. Select your loan type and state, enter the appropriate loan details and choose your current credit score range. You can see that working to get your score in the higher ranges can mean a big savings!

Step 1

Select your type of loan
Interest Rates as of 01/29/2025

Step 2

Select the state you live in
A 30-year loan in which the interest rate does not change during the entire term of the loan.

Step 3

Enter the loan principal amount

Step 4

Select your current credit range
Credit Score
Monthly Payment
Total Interest Paid

Please complete the four steps and click "Calculate" to see your results!


Please complete the four steps above and click "Calculate" to see your results!

National Association of Credit Services Organizations

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